Law Enforcement

Implement the tools you need to increase community engagement and proactively measure the satisfaction levels of your citizens.

SMS Satisfaction Surveys

Simple text surveys to reach the community. Proactively solicit feedback from the community about satisfaction after interactions with officers – directly to the cell phones of those involved.

Follow-Up Tasks

Take immediate action. Automatically create follow up tasks for less than satisfactory survey scores or negative officer feedback.

Positive Feedback Board for Officers

Improve officer morale. Let your team see the positive comments coming in from the community from surveys or Text the Chief in real time.

Text the Chief

Listen to your community. A direct line to the head of the department using an automated conversation bot configured by the Chief to solicit feedback, complaints or concerns from the community.

Citizen Positive Satisfaction Score

Quantify your engagement. CueHit agencies are seeing higher than 90% positive satisfaction ratings from their communities.

Text Updates

Automate your connections. Texts updates from the RMS to citizens about cases, property, detectives and more.

Video Reporting Officer

Minimize Report Writing for Officers for non-critical reports. Allow citizens to create reports via inbound text messages with an automated bot or ask an officer to take the report via Video.